Friday, June 2, 2017

No!!  We don’t have Wi FI

No!!  We don’t have Wi FI
June 1, 2017
Hayden Valley

It has amazed me in the first month of living and working in this beautiful place with its pristine 2.2 million acres of wilderness how many people get upset because we don’t have Wi-Fi. Now I realize that we are as society which has become obsessed with social media and modern conveniences, but with all there is to see and do here Wi-Fi would be my least concern. On that note with the increasing numbers of visitors even those of us who did have our own internet access have lost access due to the volume of use of cell phones and I-pads and other communications that overwhelm the 3 park cell towers. Hence this is one reason it has taken this long to update the blog.

Yellowstone River
May was a busy and interesting month. Paula and I began our jobs as guest service agents. In the first week or so after opening we had a majority of European visitors in the park. These folks all had rented motor homes and would all seem to arrive at one time late in the evening. In talking with the guest most were renting brand new RV’s from manufacturing locations in the mid-west and were spending their 2 to 3 week holiday traveling the US and visiting as many national parks as they can in that short period of time and then they would drop off the RV at RV rental location on the west coast or even Alaska. A pretty neat way for them to see our country. We have found the language barrier challenging at times but have enjoyed meeting so many interesting people from so many different places. Most of them have been very pleasant to deal with and very understanding with a few issues that arose during freezing temperatures and were just so excited to be here.  

Always look behind you, you never know what you might have missed 

Sunset over Pelican Valley and  thermal features

Full moon over the Absaroka Mountains

As the middle to end of May rolled around we began to climb steadily in occupancy when we were hit with a nice spring snow storm. The forecast was for 1-3 inches and we ended up getting 16 inches for a total of 30 inches since our arrival on April 20. This storm presented some challenges for us as a staff and our guest as we lost power and water for 12 hours. Most people visiting Yellowstone on Vacation are not prepared especially when the temperatures are hovering in the low 30’s and upper 20’s for daytime highs. Most guests rolled with the punches and went about with their plans once the roads were reopened by the Park Service. One of the benefits of living on top of the world’s largest super volcano is the ground is warm and once the temps get above freezing the snow melts pretty quickly.

Bison looking for grass during our spring snow storm

Lots of "Red Dawgs"
Paula and I have a very good schedule as we work two nights and three days and we have Friday and Saturday off. So, on our first weekend off after opening we ventured off to the south of Yellowstone toward the Grand Teton Mountains and Jackson Hole. These mountains are called the Alps of the United States because of their height and beauty. Because of the high snow fall amounts this year the Tetons are completely covered with snow and glisten in the sun. We also retraced some old footsteps that we as a family had traveled 13 years ago by going to Moose Wyoming and driving down Moose Wilson Road. Thirteen years ago when we visited this area Moose Wilson Road was a nightly trip at Ashley’s request because of the Moose and other animals we saw on this road. So every night after dinner we would discuss what we were going to do and Ashley’s reply would be “I Want to go to Moose Daddy”, so thirteen years later minus one family member Paula and I  rode down Moose Wilson Road and were able to find one Moose grazing in the marshes alongside the road.  Unfortunately, this area has really grown and developed with condos and lodges for the Teton Village ski area and this was the only Moose we saw. After a grocery run, propane refill and lunch we made the 3 hour drive back home. This drive with the Teton’s out the left window is a truly amazing scene.

Grand Teton Mountains

Our next weekend off we headed north to Bozeman Montana where on Saturday we met my cousin Darcy and her husband Mark who live just outside Bozeman. Darcy and I were very close as kids growing up when my family would travel to see my dad’s family in Minnesota. We would usually stay on the farm with Darcy and my aunt and uncle. It’s was great to see her because it has been at least 10 years since I had seen her. We had lunch and planned some future kayaking and tubing trips for later in the summer. After our visit, we resupplied at the Bozeman Wal-Mart. I got a new camera with a better zoom for wildlife pictures and we headed home.
Memorial Day brought the beginning of the summer here at Fishing Bridge RV Park in Yellowstone. From now until the second week of August we are 99.5 % full. We had a nice two days off but chose not to go anywhere over the weekend due to the extra travelers inside and outside the park. We did get up early on Friday of Memorial Day weekend and head north to the Lamar Valley for wildlife viewing. We started out at around 8am and because the last road to open for the season over Dunraven Pass (road clear but still 2 feet of snow piled on both sides of the road) opened we were in the Lamar Valley by 9am. As we approached the bridge across the Yellowstone river we saw a large crowd of people gathered on the east side of the bridge with lots of big lens cameras. This is a clue in Yellowstone that its either a wolf, black bear or grizzly bear. We parked and walked across the bridge and there was a sow black bear with two cinnamon colored this year cubs on the river bank below the bridge and three rangers handling crowd control. Thankfully we had bought the new camera and we were able to snap some great shots. As we stood there someone noticed on the opposite side of the bridge and on the opposite river bank that there was a second black bear sow with two last year cubs. These guys were climbing the bank and we were able to get some really nice shots of those three as well. It is rare to see that many bear in one area at the same time as one kid walked by us he said in amazement,” wow I have just seen six bears”. We spent probably an hour watching the first mamma bear and her cubs. As we were watching I noticed that there were four Bison on the road on the west side of the bridge headed in a full sprint toward the bridge. As they approached the bridge the leader veered off to the left and started to climb the roads side bank. Now keep in mind there are at least 200 people of all ages standing on the bridge watching the bear and her cubs. Then as the leader approached the end of the bridge he looked down at the river bank and fast current of the Yellowstone river and he changed his direction and headed back onto the road and bridge. Now it gets exciting you have 4 large male Bison and 200 people and a few cars on a bridge which is 100 feet above the river. As the Bison began to sprint across the bridge in the east bound lane the bridge began to bounce from the sheer weight of these animals. The ranger began yelling for the pedestrians to get behind the cars on the bridge and keep the car between them and the Bison. As I was trying to snap a picture to capture this moment in time in case it was my last, I looked around for my wife and she was sucked up so close to a white Honda Accord that you would have thought she was part of the paint on the car. As the Bison passed you could hear them breathing and snorting they are most diffidently an impressive and massive animal. As they approached the end of the bridge one of the rangers stepped in front of the Bison waving his hat and orange vest and they veered of the road at the end of the bridge and off into the meadow. Disaster averted and the adventure continues.

Picture is blurry  because the bridge was bouncing

On Memorial Day, we had a staff cook out of hamburgers which were provided by our Manager Jan and potluck sides provided by the rest of us. This was good as we were working so we got to eat dinner without having to fix anything and enjoy some co-worker fellowship.
On Tuesday after Memorial Day we met up with my former partner at DEA Chris Young and his family who passed through Yellowstone on a two week vacation out west. It certainly was good to see Chris and his wife Ruby and their daughter and son in law and two grandsons. Chris and I spent the majority of the last 2 1/2 years prior to my retirement working on cases together. For those that know Chris he has a quick wit and good sense of humor which I miss but he still couldn’t talk me into coming back.

Partners reunited if only for a few minutes

We are very fortunate to have a very good crew to work with at the RV park and when we interviewed we were told that a number of the people returned each year. As Paula and I discussed whether to take the job that was a key factor in our decision. There had to be a reason that people kept returning to Fishing Bridge. Well we found the reason. Her name is Jan and she is the campground manger. She has been the manager for five years and she bends over backwards to make sure we enjoy our time here. She spoils us with cinnamon rolls or pigs in a blanket in the mornings and today was ginger bread that she baked. She is five foot 2 spunky and full of life and she is all about making sure that our guest and staff have a pleasant experience here in Yellowstone.
As the calendar rolled from May to June the Yellowstone Lake has thawed, we still have snow on the ground around the campground but now mainly where piles were pushed to clear sites or the road. The wildlife is abundant for viewing and the temperatures have begun to rise as well.  But the saying is in Yellowstone if you don’t like the weather wait 30 minutes and it will change. This was proven last Sunday as Paula and I sat outside soaking in the warm sunshine eating our sausage biscuits and reading our daily devotion. All of a sudden, the sky started to get dark and it began to rain and then sleet on us. And as quickly as it started it stopped and cleared back off for a beautiful afternoon proving that truly if you don’t like the weather just hang around it will change.

We refer to this as a Bison submarine.
To be as big as they are they are very graceful animals
 We have seen 28 bears in the short time we have been here not to mention the numerous other wildlife sightings. One particular grizzly actually crossed the pedestrian walk on the Fishing Bridge over the Yellowstone river. This is a very crowded area and people were way too close to the bear trying to get pictures and selfies. Luckily the bear just wanted to cross the bridge instead of swimming the river, and fortunately no human foolishness caused the bear to attack which would have cost him his life.
Hope all is well where ever you are and that you enjoy whatever you are doing this summer and as Ashley always says get out and enjoy a park. We are truly blessed to be able to enjoy so much of what God has created.
Until next time the Ramblin Ruis
Allen and Paula


  1. Great pictures just be careful and enjoy' look forward to reading. We were out there several years ago and say black wolfs and lots of buffalo also Moose, wold love to return soon!

  2. Glad you guys are enjoying your new adventures. It looks like a beautiful place to visit, but sounds a little too chilly for me; not close enough to an ocean either.

  3. It sounds like you're having lots of fun while you're there! Keep the pics coming... I'm really enjoying them! And I am jealous of the snow �� Enjoy your adventure! Can't wait for the next update!
